Greetings to all Northeast Iowa ASSP members. It is getting close to spring and that means we will have elections coming up soon. We are currently working on replacing Kali Gamerdinger who left our chapter for a new career in Des Moines Iowa. Kali was instrumental in keeping our website up to date and sending out meeting notifications. This leaves a big hole for us in the Chapter. If anyone is interested in assisting the chapter with this task, please let us know.
We are taking the month of March to meet as a Board to discuss upcoming elections and recruiting more board members to help out the chapter. We don’t require a great deal of hours to participate, only to have a passion for people and a flair for keeping people safe. If you have an interest and would like to talk, please send Kirk Dighton, Board President an email at
The Northeast Iowa Chapter April meeting will be in conjunction with the East Central Iowa Safety Roundtable group, partnering to have Chris Downs from Iowa OSHA present updates from OSHA. This will be held at Kirkwood Community College at 7:30 AM. This is a new time for this meeting. Emails will be coming out with the invitations.
In the meantime, keep up the great work that you do and stay safe.
Kirk Dighton, Northeast Iowa Chapter President